Vladimir Spivakov Invites… Festival in Omsk and Perm

As usual, Vladimir Spivakov and the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia are completing the season with a tour in Russian regions. The concerts, combined into the Vladimir Spivakov Invites... Festival, will take place in Omsk (June 1-4) and Perm (June 6-10) within the All-Russia Philharmonic Seasons program of the Moscow Philharmonic Society and the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation with the assistance of the Ministry of Culture, Youth Policy and Mass Communications of the Perm Krai and the Government of the Omsk Region.

The Omsk edition of the Vladimir Spivakov Festival is taking place for the 12-th time, while that in Perm – in the 15-th time.  Perm and Omsk were just the first towns that Vladimir Spivakov chose for regional editions of his Festival that continued the original Moscow event. The current concerts will feature masterworks of the Russian and European classical music from Handel to Shostakovich (see Events).


“Vladimir Spivakov Invites” Festival in Omsk and Perm

Vladimir Spivakov and the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia will complete the 2022/2023 season touring Russia in line with its annual tradition. The first half of June will see the maestro and his collective giving day-by day concerts, most of which are part of  the festival “Vladimir Spivakov Invites...” in Omsk (June 1-4) and Perm (June 6-10). Festival programmes – see Events.

The tour will be part of the “All-Russia Philharmonic Seasons” project by the Moscow Philharmonic Society and the RF Ministry of Culture supported by the Ministry of Culture, Youth Policy and Mass Communications of the Perm Krai and the Omsk Oblast Government. Read more...

The “Vladimir Spivakov Invites…” Festival in Omsk and Perm

As usual, the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia will complete its 2020/2021 season touring Russia and giving eight concerts as part of the “Vladimir Spivakov Invites...” Festival in Omsk (June 2-4) and Perm (June 6-10). The performances will feature musical masterpieces of various genres and epochs: from dance miniatures to a Requiem mass, from Viennese classics to modern film scores. This year the Festival will present several topical programs, including two monograph concerts dedicated to Mozart and Beethoven as well as a program made only of waltzes of all kinds (see Events).


The 11th Edition of the All-Russia Festival “Vladimir Spivakov Invites…” in Perm

On 6-10 October, 2020, Perm will host the 11th Edition of the All-Russia Festival “Vladimir Spivakov Invites ...”. As usual, the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia under the direction of its permanent artistic director and principal conductor will take part in all Festival concerts. Vladimir Spivakov's Festival is anticipated as one of the most memorable events in the cultural life of the Kama region. The maestro will treat the audience with immortal masterpieces (see Events), introduce new works and present young gifted musicians, who are rapidly climbing the musical Olympus, and outstanding artists at the summit of their careers.
The five musical nights of the Festival will take place in the Great Hall of the Perm Regional Philharmonic Society. In addition, in its pursuit of making musical culture accessible to various social strata of the population, the Perm Philharmonic Society is organizing online broadcasts of all concerts within the framework of the “Virtual Hall” Project. The broadcasts from the Great Philharmonic Hall will also be on at the Organ Concert Hall.


“Vladimir Spivakov Invites…” Festival in Omsk and Perm

As previously, Vladimir Spivakov and the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia are completing the 2018/19 season with tours in Russia, combining 8 concerts into the next edition of the Maestro's traditional Festival. The performances will take place in Omsk on June 1-3 and in Perm on June 5-9. The tour program features musical masterpieces of the 18th - 20th centuries, from Mozart to Artemyev (for detail, see the CONCERTS section).

The “Vladimir Spivakov invites ...” Festival will be hosted in Omsk for the eighth time (since 2012), in Perm - for the tenth (since 2010). The event is produced within the framework of the “All-Russian Philharmonic Seasons” Project supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Culture, Youth Policy and Mass Communications of Perm Krai and the Government of Omsk Oblast.

At the 2019 Festival Edition, Vladimir Spivakov will again present stars of performing arts, who are at the peak of their artistic form, and talented young musicians, who are gaining their place on the musical Olympus. Andrey Korobeynikov, a piano virtuoso, Ekaterina Morozova (soprano), a soloist of the Bolshoi Theatre, Alexey Neklyudov (tenor), a soloist of the Moscow “Novaya Opera” Theatre, jazz trumpeter Vadim Eilenkrig will perform as soloists with the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia. Two concerts in Omsk and Perm will present young talented musicians - Alexandra Dovgan, Roman Borisov and Valentin Malinin, award-winners of the Vladimir Krainev Moscow International Piano Competition.

A special gift to Perm citizens will be the 7th June program dedicated to the works by Vivaldi and Mozart, where Vladimir Spivakov will appear not only as a conductor, directing the performance of Cantatas and Oratorios, but also as a soloist in the Violin Concerto. The program will also feature singers from leading Moscow opera houses and the Academic Grand Choir “Masters of Choral Singing” under the direction of Lev Kontorovich.


The NPR is Closing its Season in Perm

The National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia will take part in the VIII All-Russian Festival "Vladimir Spivakov Invites ..." in the Perm Region. The Orchestra's concerts under the baton of Vladimir Spivakov will be held  on May 23-27, 2017,  at the Great Hall of the Perm  Philharmonic Society  and at the Center for Creativity and Leisure in Polazna. The Festival in Perm Krai has been held every year since 2010 with the support of the Ministry of Culture, Youth Policy and Mass Communications of Perm Krai and the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation as part of the  "All-Russian Philharmonic Seasons" Project.
Vladimir Spivakov: "Our repeated visits convinced us that Perm is an advanced city that owns a remarkable philharmonic society. Not  every region or oblast centre can boast of such  philharmonic activities.  And the audience there is  grateful, well-prepared and  intelligent, subtly following the nuances of a performance ... ".
The All-Russian Festival "Vladimir Spivakov Invites ..." has become a landmark event in the musical life of the Kama region. Among the participants of this year's Festival  there are titled musicians and rising stars: the violinist from Germany Clara-Jumi Kang, who became a sensation of the 15th Tchaikovsky International  Competition in Moscow; Roman Borisov, a 14-year-old pianist from Novosibirsk, a prize-winner  of the First Vladimir Krainev Moscow International Piano Competition and more than ten other contests, an awardee of Denis Matsuev's scholarship;  Ekaterina Mechetina, a famous Russian pianist; Anna Aglatova, a soloist of the Bolshoi; Ksenia Nesterenko and Tigran Ohanian, the finalists of the "The Grand Opera" TV Project ; and  famous jazz trumpeter Vadim Eilenkrig. All the concerts  of the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia will be conducted by its  Artistic Director  Vladimir Spivakov.
In order to make the music culture accessible to  most diverse social strata of the population, the Perm Philharmonic Society organizes online broadcasts of the Festival concerts within the framework of the Virtual Hall Project.


Маэстро Спиваков проведет один оpen-air, а пермяки услышат шесть концертов

С 6 по 10 июня в Прикамье в третий раз пройдет Всероссийский фестиваль Национального филармонического оркестра России «Владимир Спиваков приглашает...».

Маэстро Спиваков и НФОР подарят пермякам и гостям города выдающиеся концертные программы. В составе оркестра объединены лучшие представители оркестровой элиты и талантливые молодые музыканты. С тех пор, как коллектив возглавил скрипач и дирижер Владимир Спиваков, он сумел стать одним из ведущих симфонических оркестров России, завоевать любовь публики и признание профессионалов.

6 июня в Большом зале филармонии вместе с музыкантами оркестра сочинения Вебера, Моцарта и Равеля исполнят скрипач Сергей Догадин и пианист Даниил Харитонов.

Три вечера Национальный филармонический концерт вместе с прославленным московским Хором Академии хорового искусства имени В. С. Попова представит эксклюзивные программы. Важно заметить, что хор — уникальный по своим исполнительским возможностям и тембровой палитре певческий коллектив, которому под силу яркие, полноценные художественные интерпретации всей классической и современной хоровой литературы — заслуженно имеет мировую славу. Read more...